Plot: Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson are at a crossroads — one is experiencing a mid-life crisis, another a late-life crisis, and the third, a far from ordinary no-life crisis. From David Frankel, the director of The Devil Wears Prada and Marley & Me, comes a sophisticated comedy about three friendly rivals who, tired of being ruled by obligations and responsibilities, dedicate a year of their lives to following their dreams. Their big year takes them on a cross-country journey of wild and life-changing adventures.
Genre: Comedy
IMDB rating: 5.9/10 from 3,906 users
Directed by: David Frankel
Starring: Owen Wilson, Jack Black and Steve Martin
Release Name: The.Big.Year.2011.EXTENDED.BDRip.XviD-NODLABS
Size: 700 MB
Video: XviD | 640x272 | 23.976fps
Audio: English | DTS | 1509 kbps
Runtime: 01:43:09♀
Subtitle: English / Spanish (Here)
Links: iMDB | Trailer | NFO | Torrent Search