PLOT: Notorious Metro City villian Megamind (voice of Will Ferrell) becomes an unlikely savior to the troubled metropolis after defeating beloved do-gooder Metro Man (voice of Brad Pitt) and creating a new opponent who refuses to play by the rules. Megamind was only an infant when his parents loaded him into an emergency escape pod and jettisoned him into space just as their planet was being sucked into a black hole. His destination: planet Earth. Meanwhile, another slightly more wholesome baby sets out on the same trajectory. But while the latter will ultimately land in the home of a wealthy couple and grow up to become Metro Man, hero of Metro City, poor Megamind finds his fate taking the opposite course when his pod crashes in a prison yard, leaving him to be raised by convicts…
Genre: Animation | Action | Comedy
IMDB rating: 7.3/10 (13,203 votes)
Directed by: Tom McGrath
Starring: Will Ferrell, Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt
Release Name: Megamind.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-Felony
Size: 2.18GB
Audio Quality: AC3 640kbps
Video Quality: XviD 23.976fps 1280×720 2618kbps
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